I personally love it, I think it's a great idea. It's a risk/reward situation – losing them for a brief time, or continuing on and finishing up that last bit of progress – that makes for some really exciting moments in the game and I'm glad we have it. It really raises the stakes, it makes the game very exciting. If you choose not to surrender, then you're putting your operative at risk and they are at risk of dying, they will be done and they will be dead and they won't be coming back. You have the decision to make, you have the opportunity to surrender, and your operatives will enter a cooldown period where they'll be placed in a hospital or a prison or in different circumstances depending on how they go down.

I think it's very important to note that permadeath is a result of a tactical choice. "But it's something that I personally love, I think a lot of people actually really love the way that amplifies the stakes of the game. "Permadeath is a bit of a controversial inclusion in the game," he said. In Watch Dogs: Legion gibt es einen entscheidenden Unterschied zu anderen Spielen und auch dem direkten Vorgänger: Ihr habt keine 'Hauptfigur' - ihr werdet in die Rolle verschiedener Agenten. Das Spiel ist damit nicht unbedingt schwieriger, aber die Intensität, möglicherweise einen Charakter, den man mag, dauerhaft zu verlieren, unterscheidet das Spielerlebnis wirklich von den meisten anderen Sandbox Games. During a recent Ubisoft event, art director Josh Cook touched on the permadeath featured in Watch Dogs Legion. Permadeath ist die beste Art, Watch Dogs Legion zu spielen.